Don't Starve 中文維基
Don't Starve 中文維基




傳送台有兩個版本,一種出現在沙盒模式,另一種出現在冒險模式。兩者的區別在於顏色。在冒險模式下,有傳送台的遺跡可能並不會有發條犀牛。 玩家可以利用占卜棒去尋找零件

木製傳送台由不同的零件組成,包括:曲柄零件、盒狀零件、金屬球狀零件和環狀零件。每一個零件都有可能在地圖上任何一個地方生成。一個完整的傳送台才可以被激活, 激活後的傳送台可以傳送玩家去一個新的世界。在傳送過程中,陰影手會從地上伸出來把玩家拉到新的世界。傳送台只能進行單向傳送,當你被傳送到新世界,傳送之前的舊世界就會被破壞,玩家再也回不去舊的世界了。

在沙盒模式中,玩家的所有物品,包括背包里的物品,都會被傳送在新的世界。在冒險模式,玩家只能帶上四件物品傳送到新的世界。不過無論如何,占卜棒和切斯特被帶去新世界就會變成灰燼。在傳送到新的世界,玩家會保留所有解鎖的合成方案和已經製造了的東西。(by crafting items with the required materials, but not placing them immediately afterwards)。機器人會保留所有通過吃齒輪而升級的狀態。鬍鬚的長度也會保留,只要你新角色選擇威爾森或韋伯。再沙盒模式中,所有先前對於世界的設定都會在新的世界延續下去。抵達新的世界后,玩家飢餓值,精神值和生命會和舊的世界一樣。不過,如果玩家的生命低於20%,精神值低於30%或者飢餓值低於40%,那麼在進入新世界後,相關數值會變成最低。


Gift Icon Downloadable Content

In the Reign of Giants DLC, Webber's Skull and Glommer's Flower will also turn to Ashes if carried to the new world.

In the Shipwrecked DLC, Wooden Thing has a different appearance and is called Wooden Platform Thing. It is found on a tiny Beach island with two Palm Trees and a single Seashell. This island is surrounded by Coral Reefs and is protected by 3 Floaty Boaty Knights. It functions the same way, allowing players to build the Teleportato using Shipwrecked equivalents of Things, Wooden Potato Thing, Grassy Thing, Screw Thing and Ring Thing. Completed Teleportato will transport the player to another Shipwrecked World. Additionally Fishbone will turn to Ash if carried to the new world.

Placeholder 你知道嗎?

  • Before The End is Nigh update, players could bring all of their items in Survival mode (excluding the Eye Bone, which turns to "Ashes of Eye Bone").
  • The symbols on the Wooden Thing are a form of runic alphabet, known as Elder Futhark. It spells "makswell."
  • Webber's beard can be retained if Wilson is picked, and vice versa.
  • The common reason why the Wooden Thing is called the Teleportato is due to the Metal Potato Thing, which is revealed to be a robotic Maxwell head when the contraption is finished.

Mosquito 漏洞

  • If the player runs away from the Wooden Thing immediately after clicking "Let's Go", the screen will continue to move in the direction of the character's shadow when the "You Escaped" box appears.
  • Players can use backpacks in order to transport more items to the new world. The method involves burning a backpack, then extinguishing the fire before it turns to Ashes. All backpacks will be forced out the player's inventory after spawning in the new world (the same will happen after quitting/restarting the game). Note that if a Cave is entered while carrying the backpacks, they will permanently disappear from inventory after spawning in the Cave.
  • 如果玩家使用控制台產生木製傳送台,並激活它,屏幕會變成完全黑色,不會發生任何事情,並強製遊戲重新啟動。

Blueprint 畫廊

零件 曲柄零件盒状零件木制传送台环状零件金属土豆零件

(草柄零件螺丝零件木桌传送台波环零件木质土豆零件 Shipwrecked icon)

(杠杆零件岩石零件石制传送台铸铁零件遗物零件 Hamlet icon)

植物 漿果叢胡蘿蔔洞穴香蕉樹洞穴菌藻花朵 (惡魔之花, 蕨類) • 乾草叢螢光花食人花曼德拉草蘑菇蘑菇樹植物蘆葦草樹苗荊棘叢完全正常的樹
(Reign of Giants icon白樺樹仙人掌風滾草 )
(Don't Starve Together icon多汁漿果叢绿洲仙人掌枝條樹)
(Shipwrecked icon竹子叢智慧樹咖啡樹巨型仙人掌叢林樹紅樹棕櫚樹正常的叢林樹紅薯藤蔓 )
(Hamlet icon芦荟芦笋荆棘爪棕榈树布满蛛网的树奇异花朵树篱杂乱的植物草坪装饰睡莲荨麻藤雨林树高草丛茶树块茎树 )
生物與其居住小屋 蜂巢獵犬塚池塘豬人屋豬豬國王豬人火炬胡蘿蔔屋破舊魚屋甲殼石墩蜘蛛巢石筍蛛巢穴居猴窟兔子窩高腳鳥巢海象冰屋蟲洞
(Reign of Giants icon鼴鼠穴浣熊窩 )
(Don't Starve Together icon蚁狮Bat Cave女王蜂巢岩漿池)
(Shipwrecked icon螃蟹窩龍騎士巢穴龍蛋漁人屋破舊魚屋猿猴屋魚群野豬屋龍蝦巢海盗章魚)
(Hamlet icon粪堆虫丘睡莲曼德拉丘蚁丘雷鸟鸟巢城镇房屋瞭望塔 )
资源 远古雕像骨頭巨礫漂浮物墳墓竖琴雕像大理石柱大理石树麥斯威爾的雕像鱼人头猪人头遠古遺物洞口骸骨石筍岩
(Reign of Giants icon迷你冰川)
(Shipwrecked icon智慧樹木炭岩珊瑚礁木板箱殘骸火山池帽貝岩熔岩礦貽貝石灰岩黑曜石巨砾毒池沙堆焦油浮膜水墓野豬頭殘骸)
(Hamlet icon易碎的瓦罐小石板 )
(Don't Starve Together icon窪洞LakeMarble SculpturesMeteor BoulderPetrified Tree月亮孢子 )
靜止物件 遠古祭壇玄武岩留聲機坟墓麥斯威爾之門麥斯威爾之燈梦魇灯座夢魘匣鎖夢魘王座方尖碑華麗箱子Pillars沉船Suspicious Dirt PileTouch StoneThulecite Wall
(Reign of Giants icon咕嚕咪雕像 )
(Shipwrecked iconElectric IsoscelesGunpowder BarrelKrissure石灰石墙Obsidian WorkbenchRawlingSteamer Trunk神州飛船角子機Suspicious Bubbles火山火山祭坛伍德莱格的笼子藏寶地 )
(Hamlet icon裂开的洞穴不老泉废墟入口秘密营地许愿井 )
(Don't Starve Together icon遠古寶箱遠古入口遠古壁畫遠古方尖碑華麗傳送門贓物袋月亮祭壇石窩舞台茶几可疑的大理石可疑的月石遠古哨站遠古窯遠古吊燈神祕能量)
零件 眼骨 • (Don't Starve Together icon星-空) • (Shipwrecked icon魚骨) • (Hamlet icon岩蛋)
(Shipwrecked icon木製平面傳送台草柄零件螺絲零件木製球狀零件波環零件)
暴食 Don't Starve Together icon 磨石盐池斑点灌木糖槭树噬咬祭坛